On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:17:06 -0600, "Janet Bostwick"
> wrote:
>"Omelet" > wrote in message
>> In article > ,
>> "Janet Bostwick" > wrote:
>>> It's what's for dinner tonight -- fresh from the garden. Also from the
>>> garden will be sides of sour cream cucumbers and herb roasted potatoes.
>>> http://janetbostwick349.fotopic.net
>>> Janet
>> Oh I'm so jealous! :-)
>> I've grown Lettuce Leaf Basil in the past and adore the stuff.
>> Our local nursery has not carried it since. :-(
>> I've had dismal luck in sprouting basil seeds. The bugs keep eating the
>> seedlings. <sigh>
>> --
>> Peace! Om
>I've had the best luck with heavily scattering the seeds on the surface and
>sprinkling a smidge of soil over. This works best if I do it earlier than I
>should or especially much later. If I plant the plants or seeds at the
>proper time, the leaves are chewed to nothingness over night. It's too bad
>lettuce leaf seed isn't as cheap or available as other varieties. For
>regular basil, I buy up end of season seed -- I am not particular, only that
>it be cheap. In late spring, I pour a bunch into my hand and toss it out as
>though I were sanding an icy sidewalk. Bingo! Lots of basil by mid-July
>for eating. Lots and lots of basil by middle/end of August for sharing and
>putting away by freezing. Certainly the seed is planted too closely, but
>the small plants seem to protect each other from temperature extremes and
>shelter the soil from moisture loss. Don't know exactly, but it works for
Lettuce leaf Basil is not listed as a hybrid so you should be able to
save some seeds for the next year. I have also found that the seed
last several years.
Susan N.
"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral,
48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)