In article > ,
"Janet Bostwick" > wrote:
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
> > In article > ,
> > "Janet Bostwick" > wrote:
> >
> >> It's what's for dinner tonight -- fresh from the garden. Also from the
> >> garden will be sides of sour cream cucumbers and herb roasted potatoes.
> >>
> >>
> >> Janet
> >
> > Oh I'm so jealous! :-)
> > I've grown Lettuce Leaf Basil in the past and adore the stuff.
> > Our local nursery has not carried it since. :-(
> >
> > I've had dismal luck in sprouting basil seeds. The bugs keep eating the
> > seedlings. <sigh>
> > --
> > Peace! Om
> >
> I've had the best luck with heavily scattering the seeds on the surface and
> sprinkling a smidge of soil over. This works best if I do it earlier than I
> should or especially much later. If I plant the plants or seeds at the
> proper time, the leaves are chewed to nothingness over night. It's too bad
> lettuce leaf seed isn't as cheap or available as other varieties. For
> regular basil, I buy up end of season seed -- I am not particular, only that
> it be cheap. In late spring, I pour a bunch into my hand and toss it out as
> though I were sanding an icy sidewalk. Bingo! Lots of basil by mid-July
> for eating. Lots and lots of basil by middle/end of August for sharing and
> putting away by freezing. Certainly the seed is planted too closely, but
> the small plants seem to protect each other from temperature extremes and
> shelter the soil from moisture loss. Don't know exactly, but it works for
> me.
> Janet
Thanks. :-)
I'd really love to get lettuce Basil going that way! That stuff is
amazing. You can use it to make a real treat. Stuffed Basil leaves!
I love fresh Basil almost as much as I love Shrimp.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein