In article >, "jmcquown"
> wrote:
> Nelson Win wrote:
> > Hi, has anyone seen a wind up kitchen timer that counts down for 90
> > minutes or two hours? All I've seen are the one hour ones. I'm eager
> > to find one. Thanks!
> >
> > Nelson
>I got a digital, sticks to the fridge with a magnet cooking timer that
>counts in seconds, minutes and hours for about $2.00 at Target several
>years ago. Takes a AA battery. Also requires that you remember to
>set the timer <G>
> Jill
Me, I'd have to remember to take the timer with me! When I set the oven
timer (moderately loud buzz), I can usually hear it at my computer --
but not always. So I keep a little Polder timer/clock unit next to me
hear. Usually I remember to set IT, too. Usually.
-Barb ( updated 10-16-03; check the PickleHats tab, too.)