Thread: Salsa
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Default Salsa

On 2009-08-29, Bob Terwilliger > wrote:

> Well, crap. Thanks for the advice. The route I'd been working on took Hwy
> 160 southwest from Sac into Antioch, then south on surface streets to Vasco
> Road.

Well now, that's a whole new ballgame. By all means, take 160 to
Antioch, a fabulous route and one of my all time fave drives. It
follows the delta and passes through some lovely delta country. Locke
is the oldest Chinese town on the West Coast. Rio Vista has a cafe
with big game trophy heads from all over the world. Too late for the
Isleton Crawdad Festival (Jun).

After Brentwood, you hit Vasco, but it sucks. They killed the scenic
route through the valley for a reservoir and now there's a 11 mile 4
lane by-pass duller than the inside of a doctor's waiting room. OTOH,
if you have the time and go a bit South of Brentwood on the old route,
you hit one of the best produce spots in the SFBA. If you still want
to go, I'll give you a more detailed route to hit all the fruit/veg
stands U-pick farms and still get to Livermore via Vasco. Let me

When Vasco hits 580 get on it and go due west, but get off on 84
(south) to downtown Livermore (the very next exit!). I used to live
there before moving here to CO, so I am very familiar with the area.
If you have the time, stop in downtown Livermore at the First Street
Ale House. Great grill food and killer beers. I recommend the steak
sandwich or fish and chips and a pint of Pliney the Elder ale. (I'd
kill for a bottle of Pliney, right now!)

From there, stay on 84 south. It will take you the back way out of
Livermore, Vallecitos R, to 680. As for Calaveras Rd, I'd pass if I
were you. It's 26 miles of the most torturous twisty turny driving
your ever likely to see. Not much to see cuz of heavy shaded oak
trees and besides you'll never be taking your eyes off that freakin
road. Brake, turn, brake, turn. Avg speeds is 15-35 mph and your
brakes better be in excellent condition. I've driven it a half dozen
times and even on a motorcycle, its grim. In a car, forget it. It
may look good on the map, but in real life it's a nightmare. I'd
truthfully have to say, possibly the worst road in N. CA. Seriously.

One option. Instead of going south on 680, you can take the
Valicetous Rd the other direction, still 84, through Niles Canyon, to
Fremont. Actually, if you really want a great trip, and have the time,
take 84 all the way to the Coast. Whenever I went to the Coast, I
usually went 84. Once you get across the Dumbarton bridge and through
Woodside, Skylonda, etc, the scenery is stunning. It comes out at San
Gregario Beach, about 11 miles South of Half Moon bay. Boy, I could
put you on a day trip to die for, from there.

If I ever come back to CA to visit ....I'm sure I will.... I'll be
makeing that exact trip to the Coast on 84. <sigh>.

If I can be of further help, Bob, let me know.

