On 2009-08-29, sf > wrote:
> That's not my experience.....
Just what is your experience, SF?
Hell, I worked there for 15 yrs. I commuted 70 miles every day to
there. I even lived there for one year right on Lawrence. A friggin
nightmare of traffic and people. Now, it's a ghost town. Dead.
Deserted. I know a ghost town when I see one. I'm sure a few
businesses have creeped back (VERY few!), but not like it used to be,
when every square inch of asphalt had a car and 5 ppl on it. Where
every single parking space in every single campus was filled. When it
took 3 light cycles to get through the six lane intersection at
Lawrence and Kifer. Never again.
I know where the businesses went. Up The Peninsula or to Fremont and
Emeryville or Livermore or Tracy and Stockton or mostly offshore.
Hell, Cisco abandoned it's main campus within 3 yrs of building it.
My buddy lost his job when. after just completing a brand new 130
million dollar campus, his foreign owned company just closed up shop
and moved the whole operation back to Norway or Finland. Adios,
Gringos! Sorry. No one is coming back to SV. Industry in this
country is dead and especially in the highest priced real estate area
in the US. If anything, they'll tear it all out for housing. It
can't sit fallow forever. Probably become mixed commercial
neighborhoods where apartments/condos are built overlooking Safeway
parking lots.
Silicon Valley will come back like The South shall rise again.