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Today's wrapup in 10
modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
> 1. D is off her 10-day regimen of antibiotics (opportunistic sinus
> infection due to severe allergic reaction to NE Texas in the summer),
> and all the beneficial flora in he gut are either dead or on strike.
> It's hard to cook for her (see below). But my complaint pales next to
> her digestive strife. She seems to be getting better: only three naps
> today.
> 2. Dinner was roasted squash and okra from our community garden plot,
> sliced Israel melon from a roadside stand, and chile and coconut
> crusted ahi tuna from the freezer. It probably wasn't the best thing
> for D, alas.
> 3. D ordered a book on heirloom beans from Rancho Gordo. It came
> today. She said she couldn't resist. I'm mighty grateful.
> 4. Found a good roundup of opinion pieces on Ted Kennedy he
> I didn't know he was an amateur painter.
> 5. Skimmed Kennedy's accomplishment list on his Web site:
> Title IX, the ADA,
> race-blind immigration legislation, bilingual education, Meals on
> Wheels, the National Commission on the Protection of Human Subjects
> (in med/sci experiments), stopping military aid to the fascist
> Pinochet regime in Chile, education for children with disabilities,
> expanding the civil rights act to protect persons with disabilities,
> the Civil Rights for Institutionalized Persons Act, the Refugee Act of
> 1980 (asylum for persecuted persons), Employment Opportunities for
> Disabled Americans Act, the National Military Child Act, Civil Rights
> Act of 1991, Americorps, Health Insurance Portability and
> Accountability Act, voted no on war with Iraq (one of 23 senators who
> did so), and on and on. A lot of people don't like what he did, but
> damn y'all he did quite a bit.
> 6. Worked on a plan to invite artists to design installations for the
> storefront windows of vacant buildings on the square here in old Cow
> Hill. Maybe I can make art useful. (But I gotta find some serious
> cash.)
> 7. Checked in on gizmodo a couple of times to see
> what the geeks had to say about food (it's food week there), and left
> a comment on a bit asking for help squeezing beef VERY thin. The
> request came from Grant Achatz' Alinea. I suggested they look into
> handmade paper presses, as they can apply 30 tons or more to whatever
> is in the squeeze zone.
> 8. Checked rfc and found entertainment, but also depressing vitriol
> about Kennedy. "Hey, everybody! I have an opinion and so it must be
> expressed and its anger is why!" Also: "My side is this way and your
> side is deluded!."
> 9. Read Frank Bruni's last restaurant review in the NY Times:
> 10. Wrote too much in this post.
Nice post. And I might just borrow that summary of some of
Kennedy's major accomplishments. [Gee, can't the vitriol be
suspended for a while?]
Jean B.