atec 7 7 <"atec > wrote in
> PeterL wrote:
>> atec 7 7 <"atec > wrote in
>> :
>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>> Eggs over leftover spaghetti really sounds good!
>>> This morning (Sunday) breakfast
>>> A beef sausage hash browns free range eggs onion garlic cheese
>>> sprinkled with some tyme all cooked in olive oil ..
>> Only a cup of coffee at this point in time, whilst reading the Sunday
>> paper.
>> I think French scrambled eggs are on the menu this morning.
> Sounds alright although a little late imho
Been up since sparrow-fart. Too early to eat back then.
> Just off to
S'ok if you're a 'tappet head' :-)
> then back for a BBQ lunch with some fresh ribs off the family block
> /cattle
You running cows now? What sort?
Peter Lucas
If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?