OT Humanity 101
Bob Muncie wrote:
> Wow.. I would not know how to respond to your reply.
Yet somehow, you managed to blather on...
> I had a TS/SBI, and was SCI cleared on several projects(you know of course
> what I am talking about), where the FBI actually talk to the neighbors of
> you when you were a peanut) , so your inference that the government
> approval is somehow tied to your ability to be rational, is something I
> would contest. In fact, in your case, I would doubt.
Whether or not rationality was necessary for me to GET my job, it is a vital
necessity for me to KEEP my job and my clearance, which I have done for the
last 15 years. Doesn't sound like you can relate even in a distant
theoretical fashion.
> What is the problem with you? Is drugs not an option to clear your mind,
> or prevent the level of unbalance you are exhibiting?
I have no problem. My mind is not clouded, and I am not unbalanced. Exactly
what psychiatric qualifications do you have to even presume to make a
diagnosis of that nature based on my Usenet posts, or have you simply spent
too much time watching Doctor Phil?
> If I were you, or your spouse, I would seek help for you.
If I were you, I'd shrivel with embarrassment at the realization of my own
inadequacy. If I were your spouse, I'd probably do exactly what your spouse
*is* doing -- or should that be I would do exactly *who* your spouse is