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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Spring rolls, first attempt (with pics)

In article >,
PeterL > wrote:

> Omelet > wrote in
> news >
> > In article >,
> > Kathleen > wrote:
> >
> >> Omelet wrote:
> >>
> >> > I have my own EMS unit, but I don't use it that often. If it's
> >> > over-used, it tends to leave small electrical burns under the
> >> > electrodes. The damned thing feels so good, it's easy and tempting to
> >> > abuse it. <sigh>
> >>
> >> I've got one of those, too. I usually don't think to use it until my
> >> back is giving me unholy hell, but it does give some relief. Last
> >> time, though, I had to position the electrodes on my own and ended up
> >> spacing them too far apart. I dialed up the current... Nothing.
> >> Bumped it up a notch. Nothing. Turned it up all the way and my abs
> >> started jumping.
> >> Wonder how well that would work as an alternative to situps?

> >
> > <grins>
> >
> > Try this. Place the electrodes before plugging them in. It's easier.
> > I place mine about 2" above and 1" below the SI joint. Those little
> > indentations in your back right above your butt.
> >
> > Then plug the leads into the pigtails, CROSSING them over. Put the red
> > one from one lead into the upper right electrode, and the black one from
> > the same lead into the bottom left electrode. Same pattern with the
> > opposite one.
> >
> > Sweet relief from lower back pain...

> Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! EMS = TENS.

No, EMS does NOT = TENS babe.
They transmit a different frequency.
TENS is specific for blocking pain while EMS stimulates muscle
contractions and reduces spasticity.

> Veterans Affairs bought me one of those things *ages* ago. I finally
> dragged it out the other day and recharged the batteries to see if it
> actually works!!
> Had a look at a couple of websites, and found that you can now get
> *humungous* electrodes!!

Electronic pain relief, it it can work for you, is far better than drugs
imho. :-) I can even use this thing at work if I'm really hurting as it
fits discreetly under my scrubs and clips to the waist of my pants.

I get my stuff he

And here is the unit I have:

If I use it like Dr. Stamps tells me to, I can be almost pain free for a
few hours after each treatment when I'm having a bad flare up.
It's better than Ibuprofen...
Peace! Om

"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
