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Bob Muncie Bob Muncie is offline
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Default Beat THIS breakfast!?!

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Bob Muncie > wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> atec 7 7 <"atec > wrote:
>>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>>> In article >,
>>>>> "l, not -l" > wrote:
>>>>>> On 29-Aug-2009, Andy > wrote:
>>>>>>> Beat THIS breakfast!?!
>>>>>>> Two slices of wgww toast. And about a quart of Orange Crush soda.
>>>>>> Two eggs, over-easy, fried in butter. Eggs served atop leftover
>>>>>> spaghetti
>>>>>> that had been tossed with a small handful of Oscar Mayer Bacon Pieces
>>>>>> (not
>>>>>> the tiny Bits) and the butter used to fry the eggs.
>>>>> Eggs over leftover spaghetti really sounds good!
>>>> This morning (Sunday) breakfast
>>>> A beef sausage hash browns free range eggs onion garlic cheese
>>>> sprinkled with some tyme all cooked in olive oil ..
>>> Either you are up early, or in a different time zone. <g> I'm only up
>>> because I work night shifts.
>>> I'm currently lunching on some leftover rib eye and a mix of alfalfa and
>>> clover sprouts, dressed lightly with a mix of mayo and mustard.

>> I could be wrong, but I think he's six hours older then some of us.
>> Bob

> I'm still trying to figure out if he's in the UK or Australia...
> Our local grocery store only used to carry 3 types of sprouts. Mung
> bean, Alfalfa and "Zesty" sprouts which are a mix of alfalfa, clover and
> radish. Lately they have begun carrying clover sprouts. They are
> WONderful!
> Now if I can get them to start carrying sunflower sprouts, I can quit
> fooling around with my sprouting jars. <g> I've been growing sunflower
> sprouts for me and my cockatoo. The entire sprout tastes like sunflower
> seed, but lower in calories and carbs, and higher in nutrition.
> Sun Harvest in Austin sells Sunflower sprouts but it's a bit of a drive.
> I love sprouts. ;-d

Well If Atec says 12... I would assume AU. I was thinging the UK, but
that would be the 6, and not the 12.
