On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 15:49:59 -0700, TammyM > wrote:
>anotbob wrote:
>> Joseph and I are entertaining.
>> nb
>If I could figure out this chatzilla thing, I'd be there....
Tammy - open chatzilla, copy and paste the following into your
textbox. First
/attach xeon.edigic.com
- hit enter. When the new window comes up, paste this into the
/join #rec.food.cooking
- hit enter again. It might be just you and some bots, but you'll
know you're in the right place because their names end in "fire".
After you're in the chat room, go to "IRC" and select
Open This Channel At Startup from the drop down list. You're done.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.