Thread: OT Humanity 101
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Gloria P Gloria P is offline
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Default OT Humanity 101

Janet Bostwick wrote:

> Your grandparents didn't live in a vacuum. Without a country and its
> government, there would have been no railroad to jump, no way to distribute
> crops to support his family. And yeah, I've heard the stories. My mother
> recounted the wonderful Christmas that all the children were given one
> orange each as gifts. Times were tough and all the immigrants struggled to
> get along. Taxes give us amenities that make life livable in this country.
> Janet

That's exactly what I mean when I say no one gets rich independently
unless he prints money in the basement. Society should act as an
interconnected web both for opportunity and as a safety net. No one
should be homeless, hungry, or lack medical care in this country.

And no one should be entitled to so much money they have to hide it
in Switzerland or the Caribbean to avoid paying their fair share of
taxes. How much is "enough"? And why are those in the financial
community already making million+ salaries being paid multi-millions in
bonuses when their companies are on the verge of collapse? Is it really
socialism to think that way or common sense?

gloria p