Tomatillo SALSA help question
> Are some tomatillos sweeter than others by variety? *Or sweeter because they
> were picked ripe? *Or???
> Janet
funny,you should bring this up today. i bought a couple of pounds of
tomatillos on friday. i did a and found a couple of recipes
that suggested boiling the tomatillos for about 10 minutes,until they
are soft, before throwing them into the food processor along with the
other stuff. i'm doing this now.
there was another recipe that was made by slowly roasting them, along
with the husk in a cast iron frying pan, until the husk is charred &
the tomatillos are translucent. this recipe also suggested roasting
the jalapeno's & garlic in the same manner, letting them cool down.
then removing the husks from the tomatillos, and not peeling the char
from the jalapeno's to give the final mix a smoky taste.
harriet & critters in azusa, ca. directly east of the station fire in
la canada-flintridge & parts west.