"critters & me in azusa, ca" > wrote in message
On Aug 30, 3:49 pm, "Janet Bostwick" > wrote:
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
> > In article >,
> > Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> >> In article >,
> >> "Janet Bostwick" > wrote:
> >> > Are some tomatillos sweeter than others by variety? Or sweeter
> >> > because
> >> > they
> >> > were picked ripe? Or???
> >> > Janet
> >> Can't answer those, Janet, but just FYI, you can increase the tanginess
> >> without adding flavor by using citric acid. You probably know that, but
> >> just in case. . . . :-)
> > But a lot of people don't know that you can purchase Citric Acid in
> > powder form from the pharmacy... :-)
> > It is supposed to be good for kidney stones according to my mom's VA
> > urologist.
> > --
> > Peace! Om
> My food co-op has large jars of herbs, spices, teas, etc., and among them
> is
> citric acid and ascorbic acid. A real find. Just another place to check.
> Janet
after i drained the tomatillos & cooled them down, i put them in the
food processor & gave them a bit of a whirl. i had a chopped up 1/2
large onion and about 6 or 7 cloves of chopped garlic, added a bit of
kosher salt. the result was very bland. i charred a fresh jalapeno &
2 small habaneros, chopped them up & threw them in with the
tomatillos. now it was a bit too warm, even for me so i chopped up a
couple of roma tomatoes & added them along with some more kosher salt
and let this concoction sit for the last two hours. turned out not
too bad.
harriet & critters in hot & smoky azusa.
My neighbor adds a couple of romas to his salsa even though that isn't in
the recipe he was given. I like my salsa now that I have gotten used to the
fact that it is nothing like a salsa that we are used to from a Mexican