Gmail web albums (not off topic!)
dsi1 wrote:
> Mark Thorson wrote:
>> dsi1 wrote:
>>> I've been using Google's Chrome. It's super fast and I don't have to
>>> worry about cookies or pop-ups. I haven't done a survey on cookies
>>> allowed in this browser but I don't really care since Chrome is so fast
>>> it makes you forget that any of that nonsense exists.
>> In other words, a fool's paradise.
> Is this just some sort of random feeling you have about Chrome or are
> there any problems that you're been having with this browser or is it
> because you don't care for programs that are too gosh darn fast? :-)
dsi1 - The fact that chrome is so aggressive on it's install should give
you an indicator.
When ( was starting an install on it, it tried to connect to several IPs
while installing. That's one of my high water marks to do a cancel.
That's one of the cool things to using Comodo firewall. It doesn't just
kick back and take it like the MS firewall.
If you think the Inet is kind to you, consider it an early age
experience where the boyfriend said, don't worry, "I'll take it out in
time", as an analogy. Too many are out there trying to track you, take
your identity and credit, or just be mean and nasty. Cover up, and you
won't have to worry too much about it.
Bob ( who uses google for mail, but does not trust many things, so I
take precautions).