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Default Best 50 bottle wine cabinet

On Aug 31, 7:52�am, Lawrence Leichtman > wrote:
> I need to find a smallish wine cabinet for my new home and need to get
> one that will fit into a breakfront. Anyone have information on which
> ones seem to have the best life span? I have a 250 bottle one now but
> there is no room for that in a small adobe home. The library wines will
> go to a shared storage. I have looked at small ones from Kitchen Aide
> and one from wine enthusiast but would like some experience with any of
> them. Thanks in advance.

I have a U-Line under counter at my farm that olds about 70 bottles.
I've had it for five years and did have a problem with a controller on
the cooling unit. I contacted U-Line and they arranged for a local
repair company to pick up the unit, repair it and returnit at no cost
to me. The unit had a problem as a result of bad installation due to
the installer failing to remove all of the packing material which
impeded most of the circulation behind the unit but U-Line still stood
behind their product and their warranty. I have a small undercounter
beneath my bar in my Florida condo which I purchased almost 15 years
ago. It was sold with a Fridgidaire label but was made in Sweden and
so far no problems.