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notbob notbob is offline
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Default As seen on TV stuffed French toast.

On 2009-08-31, sf > wrote:

> I keep telling him about it, but he doesn't want to take any more
> pills... especially something as hard on your innards as that one is.

Hard, how? I've taken it for years with no adverse effects on my

OTOH, I will admit to a curious side effect I've suffered. It appears
the side effect, for me, is muscle fatigue. IOW, some muscles,
usually arms/shoulders, suffer a similar effects to lactose build-up
(you med types, help me), where muscles hurt for a few days after
working them strenuously after not working them for a long while.
Think your stomach muscles after doing sit-ups after yrs of not doing
sit-ups. LOL...... I know you all know how that is.

Anyway, that goes away after time. The point is, so does the gout.
I'm talking no gout for over 12 yrs!! Twelve years of abusing my gout
prone bod every way I can think of. Booze, anchovies, meats, etc.

If you need more detail.....
