On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 13:03:25 -0400, Lawrence Leichtman
> wrote:
>In article
> "Bi!!" > wrote:
>> On Aug 31, 7:52?am, Lawrence Leichtman > wrote:
>> > I need to find a smallish wine cabinet for my new home and need to get
>> > one that will fit into a breakfront. Anyone have information on which
>> > ones seem to have the best life span? I have a 250 bottle one now but
>> > there is no room for that in a small adobe home. The library wines will
>> > go to a shared storage. I have looked at small ones from Kitchen Aide
>> > and one from wine enthusiast but would like some experience with any of
>> > them. Thanks in advance.
>> I have a U-Line under counter at my farm that olds about 70 bottles.
>> I've had it for five years and did have a problem with a controller on
>> the cooling unit. I contacted U-Line and they arranged for a local
>> repair company to pick up the unit, repair it and returnit at no cost
>> to me. The unit had a problem as a result of bad installation due to
>> the installer failing to remove all of the packing material which
>> impeded most of the circulation behind the unit but U-Line still stood
>> behind their product and their warranty. I have a small undercounter
>> beneath my bar in my Florida condo which I purchased almost 15 years
>> ago. It was sold with a Fridgidaire label but was made in Sweden and
>> so far no problems.
>Thanks, this is one of the units I have been looking at.
ll unit that I bought at a home depot, but have seen at Costco,
Embarrassed to say I can't recall the name of the manufacture,
It is a Magic Chef and it is quiet and unassuming in its little corner
(no name on the front or inside had to pull it out to readthe name on
the back.
Joseph Coulter
Joseph Coulter Cruises and Vacations