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Sky Sky is offline
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Default Folllowup - was: OK, what about mandolines?

NOTE: Followups set to ""

OK - now for the conclusion First of all, many thanks to everyone
for the useful comments about mandolines & veggie peelers, etc. The
'feedback' was most appreciated.

I am 'so very' glad that I did not buy that Cuisinart mandoline
yesterday from Tuesday Morning for US$38. The suggestions by quite a
few RFC/RFE folks to check the Asian markets was right on the 'money'
and save me some!!!! Again, thanks so much!

This afternoon, I went to one of the (larger) local Asian markets in my
area, and lo' and behold - they had the Benriner Japanese "Mandolin"
(that's the spelling on the box!!!!) for $20, not including sales tax.
Because I so rarely visit any Asian market, I felt like a kid in the
candy store <G>!! Alas, my time was short, so I didn't spend as much
time there to explore as I wanted.

Since I have never used a mandoline, I just had to 'test' it with an
onion as soon as I returned home <g>. WOW and more WOWS!!!! ) Talk
about "sweet" and then some, and I don't mean the onions either!!! I've
never sliced an onion so quickly - heheheh ;D Even Spouse was amazed,
but Spouse doesn't really know how to "cook" - hehehe (Hamburger Helper
& such just doesn't count <G>). However, I will be very cautious and
use that finger-guard! I can definitely see how easily a person can
accidentally slice-off a good hunk of "fimners"(*) if they are not
careful with their 'digits'!!

Sky, who's a happy camper in her kitchen!!!

P.S. Carmelized onions will soon be in the works (again)!

Sky wrote:
> NOTE: followups set to "" (I didn't forget this
> time!)
> Well, so much for that "improved" veggie peeler with its nifty little
> mandoline attachment (as seen on TV!) Thanks again for all the
> comments, folks. I decided this 'product' was not for my kitchen.
> Earlier today when I perused through the aisles Tuesday Morning (!!!that
> is one dangerous store!!!! <G>), I noticed a Cuisinart mandoline for
> US$38, intead of nearly $80. Is this a good price for the 'brand' or
> not? I noticed the photo on the package showed what looked like
> all-metal construction, but I didn't look too closely. Or perhaps the
> 'behringer' (sp?) sort Blake and others mentioned might be a better
> purchase for the money? I have no clue since I've never used any
> mandoline before.
> Instead of making an 'impulse' buy at that very moment, I figured I'd
> come back home and ask here first What say y'all??
> Sky . . . . .
> . . . . . who's rather tired of hand-slicing/chopping 4 and 5 large
> onions at a time!!!
> P.S. I've always been very happy with the many Cuisinart products I
> have.
> --
> Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
> Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice!!

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