In article >,
Becca > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > In article >,
> > Becca > wrote:
> >> My standard-sized rice paper wrappers have 31 carbs for 3 wrappers. We
> >> just finished one package and we opened a new one, they both have the
> >> same amount of carbs.
> >>
> >>
> >> Becca
> >>
> >
> > Must be a different brand. I did the math with mine and they averaged
> > just a little over 5 grams.
> >
> The Daily Plate lists rice paper wrappers as having 100 carbs for 3
> wrappers. It makes you question the accuracy on the back of the
> package. I will just have to be cautious and not eat very many.
> Becca
I'm sure it varies from brand to brand. :-)
But, I did limit myself and quit using them after this past weekend.
I've got lettuce wraps on the menu instead with that lovely head of
It was a brief indulgence.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein