In article >,
Bob Muncie > wrote:
> >>>> I find the plastic wrap I get here too flimsy
> >>>> and finicky to work with. And pounding the meat can be good for one's
> >>>> soul (especially if you've had a 'bad day' <eg>)
> >>> Sooooo true! <lol> Pretend it's the head of whoever caused you the
> >>> most stress that day...
> >> Eggzactly!
> >
> > <snicker>
> I just got done pounding out a few really rude chicken breasts... It
> felt GOOD!
> I had them on a plate they couldn't escape from, and used a wooden
> mallet on their lippy a**es. Of course, I had a piece of saran rap
> between them and me...
> Bob
> ;-)
So who was it an effigy of, or do I want to know? <g>
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein