Perhaps she's correct
On Tue, 01 Sep 2009 08:31:00 -0700, TammyM > wrote:
>I won't be going anywhere right now, Christine. There's a strong
>possibility that I may be laid off - after 30+ years at the Uni. I am
>still spiraling from the news, but if it comes to pass, I will be having
>one helluva "sell my stuff" sale!
Oh, my gosh... this is how deep the cutbacks have gone. I knew it
wouldn't be any good. Thank our dear governor with his reluctance to
let the car tax go back to where it was previously and all those
scared don't tax me republicans who voted for him. What a waste of
time he is. He should be impeached for his arrogance and
incompetence. I didn't think I'd see our university system go down
the toilet like it is. We used to have a wonderful higher education
system that gave opportunities to all residents at some level. Now
we're just like every other ho hum state system. Too bad we had to
sink to such mediocrity.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.