Kathleen wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
>> James Silverton wrote:
>>> Hello All!
>>> When I was growing up I was not told that chocolate was bad for dogs.
>>> Not that my Border collie got much but I swear he could hear someone
>>> unwrapping a chocolate bar from a quarter mile. We horrible kids
>>> would tease him by crumpling a piece of aluminum foil. Anyway, look
>>> at this:
>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8232569.stm
>> I heard this too when I was growing up. Now I find that this is not
>> true and it's only some dogs that will kick the bucket from kidney
>> failure when given chocolate. The problem is that nobody wants to say
>> which dogs can and cannot tolerate chocolate. That's the breaks.
> It's not the kidneys that are affected. It's the nervous system,
> cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves. And it's not a question of
> which dog (as if some are invulnerable), it's how much chocolate and at
> what concentration.
Tsk... Should read as "Not JUST the kidneys that are affected."