Kathleen wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
>> James Silverton wrote:
>>> Hello All!
>>> When I was growing up I was not told that chocolate was bad for dogs.
>>> Not that my Border collie got much but I swear he could hear someone
>>> unwrapping a chocolate bar from a quarter mile. We horrible kids
>>> would tease him by crumpling a piece of aluminum foil. Anyway, look
>>> at this:
>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8232569.stm
>> I heard this too when I was growing up. Now I find that this is not
>> true and it's only some dogs that will kick the bucket from kidney
>> failure when given chocolate. The problem is that nobody wants to say
>> which dogs can and cannot tolerate chocolate. That's the breaks.
> It's not the kidneys that are affected. It's the nervous system,
> cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves. And it's not a question of
> which dog (as if some are invulnerable), it's how much chocolate and at
> what concentration.
Our pup is going to training at Pet Smart. The teacher there told us
that the chocolate can stay in their system for years affecting their
organs many years after they eat the chocolate.
Our guy lived to be almost 16. I don't think the Hershey's kisses he ate
when he was 9 could have possible killed him 9 years later. Who knows?
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.