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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Vacation cut short

PeterL2 wrote:
> You've been taking lessons for 6 years or more, you took lessons all
> year long for the past 12 months, and you *still* fell off the damn
> horse??!!
> You're absolutely useless at horse riding so it's high time you took
> up
> another hobby. Please don't even consider skydiving.
> May I suggest crocheting, or knitting??
> No sympathy for the busted rib, dude, you got what you deserved for
> thinking that you can do something you can't.

IMHO, you're being way too harsh here Peter. I've seen professional
show-jumping riders get thrown from a horse. If something spooks a
horse, they can and do panic (or sometimes they just refuse to jump at
the last minute and slam on brakes - and there goes the rider). And no
matter how much experience the rider has - when that sort of thing
happens sometimes they get thrown...

That's why I'm skeered of horses and just admire them from afar.
Chatty Cathy