Fried Food
"sf" > wrote in message
> OK, I don't fry in the real sense of the word. I coat a pan with oil
> and call it frying, so I'm not a good at this thing. I think I
> shallow fried catfish tonight. It was about 1/2 an inch of oil - no
> more.
> Question - how do you dispose of the oil you've used to fry fish
> in.... and how do you keep from stinking up the house? I have a great
> fan (actually, two exhaust fans - which were turned on high) and lots
> of windows in the kitchen that were open, but I can still smell oil in
> the hallway. UGH!
Seems to me you have to wipe down the entire area-cabinets, stove, fan, etc.
and get the used oil out of the house. A coffee can full and in the trash
seems to be the best bet. Or if you know of a local restaurant that will
take it-so much the better.