Vacation cut short
Gloria P wrote:
> You can still ride, can't you, without jumping. I'd modify before
> deciding to give it up completely if you really love it.
> In my mid 60's I still ski, just not on the same slopes and a bit
> slower than I did 20 years ago. (Didn't really start until I was 40,
> old enough to develop some coordination.) ;-)
There are places where I can trail ride, but after a number of years of
jumping lessons, doing a lot of trotting, cantering and jumping, trail
riding would be pretty boring.
I have told the stable that I am out for at least a month and wondering
if I should continue. Maybe I can stick it out for a while. I am not in
advanced classes and my instructor does not push me. She knows I am
just there for fun and not preparing for competition like my class
mates. I just don't like the idea of having another broken bone down the
road and having to think about how I should have taken a hint after two.