Omelet > wrote in
> In article >,
> "Boogle Bob" > wrote:
>> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> >> There's nothing better than a cubed shoulder of horse slow braised
>> >> with some red wine and veges........ ObFood.
>> >
>> > You can have my share.
>> While I disagree with "there's nothing better," I will say that horse
>> meat is some very good stuff. I know many people whose upbringing makes
>> them opposed to it, but I don't think eating horse is any more immoral
>> than eating pork.
>> Bob
> How about cat or dog?
It's a protein source in some countries...... same as whale meat.
And whilst in those countries, you have to do as the locals do :-)
Fortunately, we have an abundance of cows in Oz ;-)
Peter Lucas
If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?