Vacation cut short
On Sep 3, 3:04*am, Omelet > wrote:
> In article > ,
> *Dave Smith > wrote:
> > Omelet wrote:
> > > I'm so sorry Dave. :-(
> > > It's hard to give up something you love.
> > > Is there any way you can wear protective clothing of some sort?
> > > I've never broken a bone yet, but I have hurt myself a few times doing
> > > things I enjoy, but I keep doing them anyway...
> > I never broke a bone until I was 52 and got thrown over a jump. That was
> > a collar bone and it was 6 years ago. I have to say that as painful as
> > this is when I move the wrong way, it doesn't hurt anywhere near as much
> > as the collar bone did.
> I can understand. *I fell and sprained my right rotator cuff not too
> long ago and it's causing me a lot of pain issues, altho' Airrosti is
> helping it to heal a lot faster than it normally would.
Ouch, I did that a couple of years ago when surfing. Took about 8
months to get full mobility back. For the first couple of weeks I
could not raise my upper arm at all. Shaking hands with business
associates was very odd, I just sort of stuck my lower arm straight
out from the waist!
> The clavicle being part of the shoulder girdle, I can bet it hurt one
> HELL of a lot! *I'm betting you had trouble sleeping...
I broke my collar bone as a youngster. Husband broke his last year. It
is one of those things that move with just about every movement you
make so it is very painful. Husband has only just regained full
shoulder mobility, after about 12 months.
> --
> Peace! Om
> "Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
> --Steve Rothstein
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