Thread: Fried Food
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Fried Food

"Arri London" > wrote in message
> sf wrote:
>> On Wed, 02 Sep 2009 17:21:36 -0600, Arri London >
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >sf wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On Tue, 01 Sep 2009 17:26:02 -0600, Arri London >
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >We wipe out the pan with newspaper and paper towels and toss those
>> >> >into
>> >> >the bin.
>> >>
>> >> This frying was a bit more oil than what can be wiped out with a few
>> >> paper towels unless you want to sacrifice most of a roll.
>> >
>> >That's why I said newspaper first! No one would wipe out that much with
>> >just paper towels, now would they LOL

>> Heh! <slapping forehead> I don't think of news paper as the first
>> line of defense. I put layers of newspaper *under* paper towels to
>> drain things but I didn't think of them as being a primary "sopper
>> upper"... even though I know they can be used to clean and polish
>> windows.

> We do the same for draining fried foods. Works quite well. We wipe out
> the cast iron frying pans with newspaper first, then paper towels. Our
> local paper is printed with soy ink, so not fussed if any of it comes
> off.
>> >
>> > It was a
>> >> good cup's worth. In any case, I found a can to put it in - I'll put
>> >> it in a plastic bag on garbage day and throw it out.
>> >

>> <snip>
>> >
>> >Depends on the configuration of the house of course. Our fan always
>> >worked better with the kitchen window open.

>> This is not the first time I've noticed that my fans are less
>> efficient with certain windows open, but there is so much time between
>> that I revert to opening the windows and regret it later. I'll try to
>> remember not to open them next time and also to close the 2 of three
>> doorways into the kitchen that I can close next time I create smell or
>> smoke (usually it's my grill). Unfortunately my hallway is off the
>> one opening I can't close off. :/

> That's why I dislike this house! The front is open plan. Any kitchen
> odours migrate to the bedrooms in the back of the house, no matter what.
> We don't deep fry anything more than a couple of times a month for that
> reason. And of course it's not so good for us either, despite the
> extreme tastiness

If you receive/watch the cable channel, HGTV (Home & Garden Television),
according to them *everyone* wants an open floor plan. The kitchen flows
into the den and on into the rest of the house. Um, No. I agree with you,
Arri. I'd much rather keep the kitchen separate from the rest of the house.
Sometimes cooking gets messy and/or smelly and I don't want to smell cabbage
(for example) in my bedroom when I go to sleep.
