Omelet > wrote in
> In article >,
> notbob > wrote:
>> On 2009-09-02, Omelet > wrote:
>> > For "pounding" meats anymore, (even working spiced rice
>> > flour into them), I use my jaccard tenderizer.
>> Do those work pretty good, Om?
> Oh yes!!! They have made some of the tougher cuts of beef
> (such as sirloin) quite toothsome.
I bought one Sunday at the local grocery store. Summer cooking
gadgets 75% off! Happy dance!!
> I would not use one to pound a chicken breast or anything
> already tender tho'. :-) The smooth side of a meat mallet
> between wrappings works just fine for that.
>> I've considered buying one for making
>> cube steaks for chicken fried steak. Is the 16 blade model
>> enough or would the 32 be better.
>> nb
> I just have the 16 blade, but I've honestly never tried the 32
> blade...