Deep fryer suggestions sought!
"notbob" > wrote in message
> On 2009-09-05, Mark Thorson > wrote:
>> Tater Tots are already fried. They don't need
>> to be fried again.
> They are par-fried, as are most frozen potato products (hash, obrien,
> etc). They need a bit more to make 'em crispy on the outside and
> completely cooked on the inside.
> nb.... worked a tater-tot line in a WA potato processing plant
They can be finished in the oven on a sheet pan but they won't taste as good
as fried... but if I'm going to heat up a deep fryer I sure as heck ain't
gonna futz around with any frozen fries, may as well have the real deal and
cook em fresh... I'm a chunky crinkle cut fan... last time I had good fries
was at Nathan's Coney Island, no one does it better, and I mean no one.