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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Deep fryer suggestions sought!

In article >,
FERRANTE > wrote:

> I am thinking about buying a small deep fryer, but with so many
> choices, I am unsure on which one to get. I am sure many people in
> this NG have them and can offer some advice on what is good and what
> is not.
> I would like to get something not too bulky and the cooking amount
> would be just for me, one person. I would use it primarily for French
> fries, tatar tots, things like that. Maybe a few pieces of chicken (4
> or 5), so I imagine I would not need anything big.
> Thanks in advance for your recommendations.
> Mark

I own a 4 cup Fry Daddy. Small, compact, works well and perfect for one
or two people.
Peace! Om

"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
