"Arri London" > wrote in message
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> Over the weekend we bought some meat and invited a few people for dinner.
>> We told them we were making picatta with pasta.
>> As I was starting to cook the meat and our guest arrived, soon we had
>> dinner. They mentioned the veal was really good and so tender, probably
>> very expensive. I never told them anything other than I was making
>> picatta.
>> Pork loin was on sale for 1.49 and that is what I used, sliced and
>> pounded.
>> After dinner we told them what is was.
>> I also have to wonder how often the breaded veal stuff in some
>> restaurants
>> is real veal and how much is pork loin.
>> --
>> Ed
>> http://pages.cthome.net/edhome/
> Anyone who eats veal can tell it from pork. The texture is different as
> is the flavour.
I agree, Arri. If Ed had served something heavily sauced, perhaps with
tomato sauce and topped with cheese, then I could see someone mistaking pork
cutlets for veal cutlets (or scallopini). It appears that person simply
assumed "picatta" means veal. It doesn't