From Christine
Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Sep 2009 12:05:10 -0400, blake murphy
> > wrote:
>> sleep tight, honey.
>> your pal,
>> blake
> I found a spot where I get a great wireless signal for my
> netbook...and I can keep my foot up at the same time. So beware, you
> fine folks, you will see a lot of me now!!
> Maybe y'all can start tempting me with something to eat, that involves
> almost no work..that is light, and which can either be carried in one
> hand to my sitting spot, or can be put in the basket of a walker to
> get to that spot. I do have some TV dinners...but right now I am not
> that hungry for them... I should have gotten some soup when I was
> shopping, or made some: that is sounding good to me right now.
> Christine