zxcvbob wrote:
> Mimi wrote:
>> I use a 1/2 teaspoon (or so) of butter to reduce the foaming in
>> jelly. I think the saying, "just a dab will do ya" fits here. : - )
>> The Mayhaw jelly I did a couple of months ago made a lot of foam and
>> the butter worked wonderfully.
> Thanks, I'll try that. I have the 2nd batch cooking right now. I added
> all the foam from the first batch to the juice (before I added the
> sugar) and brought it to a simmer, covered. All the foam dissolved. I
> *just* dumped in the sugar and am rounding up small jars. (I'll never
> hear the end of it from Wife if I put jelly in quart jars) :-)
> I have 3 1/2 cups of juice left over. Think I'll add that to the mead
> I'm gonna start this weekend. Should give it a nice pink color. Or I
> guess I could mix it with Sprite and drink it...
> Bob
Or mix a little Everclear into it and call it applejack.