Montreal Steak Seasoning
"MaryL" -OUT-THE-LITTER> wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Has anyone used this before? If so, about how much did you use per
>> steak? I ask this because of a possible mistake tonight. It is my
>> husband's birthday and Angela cooked dinner for him. I bought a large
>> bag of this seasoning at the health food store. I've seen it other
>> places, but it had soy in it. This did not. Perhaps there are different
>> versions of it?
>> Anyway... We've never used it before and she is only familiar with steak
>> rub. She put it on heavily like you would with a rub. I could see that
>> it had large grains of salt in it and I fear this would be too much salt
>> even for my salt loving husband.
>> She tried to scrape some off and I tried to take more off with a paper
>> towel.
>> In the end, he refused to eat it. Said it was inedible. Told her not to
>> eat it or she would get sick. Oddly she is eating it and says it tastes
>> fine. I can't try it because I don't digest steak.
>> So have you used it? Did she put too much on?
> Ahhh. That's really sad. I don't know anything about this seasoning, but
> I do know that my father would have eaten *anything* I made for him and
> would have found something good to say about it. He was always happy when
> we did things for him, and he let us know it. Both of my parents were
> very caring, giving parents (I'm *not* saying the situation is different
> for Angela), and I think that attitude was part of the love we always
> felt. Can you suggest to him to "lighten up" and let Angela know he
> appreciates her attempt?
> MaryL
My father NEVER ever gave me praise for anything I ever did in my entire
life, and I am now an older woman.
I too hope Julie tells him to praise Angela for her attempt, and since it
was a new seasoning she never used before, she couldn't have known the
correct amount.
"Even as a mother protects with her life her only child, So with a boundless
heart let one cherish all living beings." --Sutta Nipata 1.8