"blake murphy" > wrote in message
>> it seems very real and is very scary to think of the power of the
>> government
>> over our lives
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=G44NCvNDLfc
> i don't find him convincing at all. frankly, the 'private sector' doesn't
> seem to be 'the part that's working,' and i don't think the new plan would
> 'punish' those who already have coverage - if you like what you have you
> get to keep it.
But from what this congressman said, the government can decide to takit from
you. Does that sound like a fair plan? He has a copy of the bill to quote
from, I don't.
> let's just remember, we now pay twice per capita what other advanced
> countries pay:
> like i said before, would you pay twice as much for a worse product just
> because it was american? do you think it's a good idea to force everyone
> to do so?
The system we have definitely needs reform in many areas. Did you happen to
see on the news (NBC) last night about the $79 a month clinic? No
insurance, no forms, just a flat fee no matter how many doctor visits.
I'm certainly not against change and more coverage for more people, but I
still want the details of how and the cost before saying yes or no.