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Dave Bugg Dave Bugg is offline
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Default Poll on Barbecued Baby Back Ribs

Bob Muncie wrote:

> I agree that was "my bad".
> Would it surprise you for me to say, I'd rather just see on topic
> posts?
> Sorry to have offended anyone here, to include the three that chose to
> be rude to me on a personal level.

YOU started the rude thing, you asshole, by attempting your failed Miss
Manners impression.
> I'd rather just be a good usenet community person. I also happen to
> like BBQ. Grilling also when I have the appropriate piece of meat.

You're a usenet ass.

> Again, thanks Brick.

God, what a pathetic suck-up.

> I was being reactive when the better choice would have been to stay
> off the keyboard.

You can't help yourself. You do it all the time.

> But I do draw the line at you saying I'm being abusive.

You are. You abuse the senses by being a total prat.

>I should have
> kept my trap shut when someone else was rude,

No one was rude. Your inability to GET that proves your asshat-edness yet

>but I still do not
> regret my response.

Most sociopaths don't.

>I abused nothing other than having responded
> where silence would have served better. I was not a profane or
> abusive poster. That rests with the other three.

Sorry ****-face, you started it, now you live with the consequences.