Racheal Ray just won Iron Chef!!
Lou Decruss wrote:
>> Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>> Nigella Lawson is my fave TV chef!
> LOL.. Yep. Everyone has their own preferences in traits just like
> with food. None of the three mentioned here do much for me but I'm
> sure I'd do even less for them.
Chuckle. We look more like the Deans than most of the other
folks with shows on Food TV so you're not going to see me
complain about who's trim and who isn't! At least chefs
aren't like models who are usually so thin they look ill.
I like the corny celebrity contest episodes of Iron Chef
America. I like The Next Iron Chef contest shows to recruit
new ones as the old ones drop off the list as well - The
Japanese original just had new chefs appear to replace the
retiring ones.
Iron Chef Japan had a Hollywood Squares aspect to it - The
judges tended to be folks whose careers had tapered off and
how were there for the entertainment value more than for
their expertise.