Posted to,
The supreme lord of every fast-food
Bob Muncie wrote:
>>> How about nobody really gives a crap what you think you tired,
>>> abusive smelly, bill-goat of a subhuman?
>>> The fact you have an an opinion is one thing. The fact that you are
>>> an anal, abusive drooling troll of a hominid imposter is a good
>>> reason to just KF you. In fact? If you weren't so devoid of anything
>>> approaching worthiness of consideration, I might allow you to be
>>> outside the KF long enough to express yourself. Unfortunately, like a
>>> bad belch, or infected scab, you smell to badly to allow any leniency.
>>> Instead I just say good-bye, and enjoy your internet reference at:
>>> Enjoy your KF confines.
>>> Bob
>> Are you in high school, Bobby? Seriously, who else would write that?
>> D
> Didn't I already KF you for your lack of value? Working on doing it now
> for this latest eruption of hemeroid.....
Learn to spell, Bobbie, then get back to me.