"Duwop" > wrote in message
>> It sounds like a wonderful food to serve as a "fish dinner"
>> political fundraiser.
> They're so full of it that that would create an enviromental
> disaster.
When Xenical came out, years ago, I was on a diet and decided to
give it a try. The stuff is expensive. At first, I started quite
conservatively with what I ate, but after experiencing no issues,
I thought it'd be safe to 'cut back' the calories of a full rack
of ribs. I'd finished the diet, but didn't want to regain the
weight I'd lost because of eating a good-sized meal.
I had the full rack of KC-style ribs, along with small servings of
fixings, such as potato salad (made with Mayo) and beans. I took
a Xenical capsule to cut back on the fat calories. It was the
night of a trip when we were staying over in a hotel. About
3:00a, I awoke to the sensation that I needed to get to fast.
Trust me when I say that the symptoms of Xenical, coupled with a
good, fatty, dinner are exactly the same as those attributed to
eating about a pound portion of Escolar.
As a FWIW, when I took Xenical, I don't know if it was the diet,
the reduction in absorbed fats or both, but my LDL plummeted, my
HDL was up and the ratio naturally improved. I just had to be
very, very careful to not overdo the fats in what I ate, since I'd
pay the price the following day. Even then, there's a learning
curve and once you learn to not cough, laugh, sneeze or pass gas,
even that embarrassing issue is minimized. Xenical is by
prescription only, but a half-strength version is OTC and sold as
Orwell called it "Thinkspeak" in his
classic novel, "1984." Today, the same
control of speech and thought is called
being Politically Correct.