Ants in the kitchen - and elsewhere
George Shirley wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> George Shirley wrote:
>>> The little ants that come in our kitchen are pharaoh ants, yours
>>> might be the same but the treatment is the same.
>> I have no idea what type of ants they are, except that they're tiny
>> and extremely annoying...
>>> Use boric acid mixed with
>>> peanut butter, put in small bottle caps and then put those in the
>>> path of the ants. I had the damned things in my computer once. Was
>>> interesting to watch them eat the peanut butter and then
>>> disappear.
>> I'll try this, if I can get my hands on some of the aforementioned
>> boric acid; PB I have.
> I don't know if you have it where you live but here in the US we can
> get it in supermarkets in the "kill a roach" section. Comes in a
> large, plastic squeeze bottle. It does do a number on roaches but it
> also, when mixed with peanut butter kills ants. They eat it and then
> go belly up.
We have been plagued with marauding ants every year and have tried
everything. The foolproof one for us? A product which we buy at the
hardware store called "Terro". A small drop on a piece of thin
cardboard brings the ants out in hordes (scary to watch). With fresh
bait each day the
tigers get fewer and fewer until they vanish. In other words, they
carry the bait back to the nest and snafu.