Poll on Barbecued Baby Back Ribs
Nunya Bidnits wrote:
>> According to Wikipedia, Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro, are
>> grown in the smallest wine producing region located south of the town
>> of Modena. The region is home to the Grasparossa clone, which the DOC
>> requires 85% of the wine to be composed of. The wine of this region
>> is typically dry and full bodied with a deep purplish-red coloring.
>> The Grasparossa clone produces the most tannic Lambrusco.
>> It sounds good and is at the top of my shopping list. Villi will
>> probably weigh in with some long standing personal information.
> Sounds like it's worth a shot. I'll see if Gomer's has any!
It's really worth a shot. They make both dry and "amabile", which is sweeter
and has only 7, 8 or 9 % abv, while the dry version usually is between 10.5%
and 11.5% abv.
Dry and sparkling, perfect with juicy fatty dishes, or fattyish roasts with
a good dose of gravy, but also wonderful with many first courses of the area
as tortelli and sausage-sauce egg-noodle pasta, as "gramigna alla
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