"Omelet" > wrote in message
> Hm. Might have to try that. I have a nice number of toads as long as
> there are any wet spots in the yard. They are death on the Palmetto bugs
> since both are nocturnal. <g>
We wouldn't be able to have water standing in Houston because of the
mosquitos. Are Palmetto bugs those big roaches? I hate those.
>> I can't remember the last time I sprayed anything other than SAFER soap.
> I do use Sevin on rare occasions, but not frequently. I last used
> Pyrethrine on an ant invasion in my recycle bucket. I use a little
> Sevin around the dogs food dishes outdoors to keep the ants out. I've
> not broadcast it even for fleas in years. The beneficial nematodes
> really do work for flea control if you seed them at the right time of
> year...
> And Front Line ON the dogs and cats.
> --
> Peace! Om
> "Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their
> foot down."
> --Steve Rothstein
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