On Sep 12, 12:05*pm, Omelet > wrote:
> In article >,
> *brooklyn1 > wrote:
> > "Becca" > wrote:
> > > One morning I found a tiny gecko in the kitchen sink, it was about 2
> > > inches long, at the most. Never figured out where it came from.
> > Geckos and chameleons are tropical, most likely you found a newt.
> >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt
> We have Med' geckos here and we are hardly tropical. They are very
> adaptable and have invaded a good part of the south:
> http://www.geckoweb.org/profile/hemidactylus-turcicus
> --
> Peace! Om
> "Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
> --Steve Rothstein
> Subscribe:
My Mom's remedy/preventative for those teeny tiny red "sugar" ants was
mont from the garden. A 6" (+/- ) branch on the counters and in the
cupboards. When it dries up, toss it. Makes your kitchen smell good
and improves your pets" breath! My friend with no garden uses sticks
of Doublemint gum. Just use the sticks in their foil - you don't have
to unwrap 'em. This will not work if you have children. <G>
Lynn in Fargo