The supreme lord of every fast-food
Victor Sack wrote:
>>> That says everything about you. It is your fellow compatriots who
>>> say that the definition of Neapolitan pizza is thin, among other
>>> things -
>> If that was true you wouldn't have had to talk about "florida" or
>> "chicago deep dish".
> I already told you that sarcasm is lost on you.
I think sarcastic assholes are a waste of time
> I notice that you are avoiding dealing with all the links and
> descriptions therein I provided, all of them from Italian sources,
> written by Italians for Italians in Italian. Are they lying?
>> Check back what you wrote. Come back to Italy adnd ask better,
>> or tell me where is, in Italy, a tradition of pizza thicker than the
>> neapolitan one. Come on, make me laugh some more.
> Sardinia, for example. Some Sicilian types of pizza have a thick
> crust, trapanese being just one example. What else would you like to
> learn about Italian food traditions (sarcasm alert!)
Ah, now we got "sardinia style" pizza? Very very famous, even out of Italy,
really. Take a walk around in in italian street and ask people about
"sardinian pizza", ROTFL
You're boring as ****
Mai guardare Trailer park Boys senza
qualcosa da bere a portata di mano