In article <140920091923283498%dave@N_O_T_T_H_I_Sbalderstone. ca>,
Dave Balderstone > wrote:
> If it doesn't boil over, you'll just have a sticky stove top, counter,
> and spots on the floor. A few minutes with a dishcloth and it'll all be
> good.
Not if you're cooking on a smooth-top range will it all be good. DO NOT
get any sugar spill on a glass top range. It bonds to the surface and
makes one helluva mess that's nigh unto impossible to clean up and
restore to smooth.
And there's no need to have a sticky stove top, counter, or spots on the
floor if he pays attention to what he's doing.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - Yes, I Can! blog - check
it out. And check this, too: <