Norman Borlaug 1914-2009
Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> "ViLco" > wrote in message
>> India, without using force, has obtained a stronger reduction by
>> simply educating people. It turned out that schooling does better
>> than enforcing draconian laws.
>> India is a great nation.
>> --
> India also paid men to have a vasectomy also, but I don't know how it
> recall worked out long term.
China's draconian "one child" policy during the past 30 years has been
estimated to have resulted in over 300 million abortions...
The net result is that China is going to have a very rapidly aging
population and a resultant labour shortage. Being an Asian society, there
is generally no social safety net for seniors, taking care of the elderly
has always been the job for the younger kids (and the preferred sex of
children in China is male...). China is going to have a real
demographic/social/financial crisis on it's hands in coming years because of