Obama's Top Five Health Care Lies from Forbes :: Rep Joe Wilsonwas correct, Obama is a liar about health care!
Bryan wrote:
> On Sep 15, 8:54 am, John Galt > wrote:
>> Bryan wrote:
>>> On Sep 15, 7:04 am, John Galt > wrote:
>>> A bunch of crap about greed being virtuous.
>> Never said that. Who are you responding to?
> Quote: "Profit in America is good..."
> The idea that profit, in itself, is a moral good is a twisted
> ideology.
That's rot. You don't understand the concept.
Profits mean that customers have voted for you with dollars. Insurance
is sold in a bizarro way, one that really doesn't mean the "best"
health insurer wins, but you can't throw the baby out with the
> I'm not a socialist. I recognize that self interest works to motivate
> and spurs innovation, but the health insurance companies are
> parasites.
They're "parasites" with 2% margins.
> Even so, I'd like to see them slowly made irrelevant,
> rather than done away with in short order as they so richly deserve,
> because a sudden move to single payer would be too disruptive even in
> more prosperous times.
It looks to me like there simply is *no* good solution. Remarkably,
*France*'s system looks good, but no telling how it'd graft on here.
> Ownership (ownability) is a social construct, not a sacred property
> inherent in anything possessible, and many things just shouldn't be in
> private, for-profit hands. Health insurance has proven to be one of
> them.
All insurance is, is a means of financing. Not defending the eixsting
order, but I really don't think insurance companies are quite
the devils you do.
> Profit is neither morally good nor bad, but wise or unwise, depending
> on the circumstances. Ayn Rand was morally bankrupt.
I can't exactly agree with that, either. Egalitarianism sounds
good, but it rarely works very well.
>> JG
>>> Anyone who'd choose that moniker (John Galt) is trying to tell the
>>> world just that.
>>> Selfishness is not something to be proud of. You need to repeat
>>> kindergarten.
>>> --Bryan
> --Bryan
Les Cargill